
01 June 2010

A Place for Misfits to Fit In

Wow, it's been about a month since I've posted here. I've been juggling a few secret projects (dun dun dun), but I should be back to posting more often soon.

In the meantime, there's two bits of good news for fans of Misfits of Science (you know, that show I like?) I want to share.

ThirdBass, fearless leader of Science of Misfits, has added a new forum to the site, and you should totally check it out.

(I'm a mod there, too, so get over there where I can have power over you! =P)

Also, Friday @ 8/7 Central, a great blog about short-lived TV shows, has a nice in-depth article on MoS that you owe it to yourself to read. If you're like me and tend to prefer short, sweet shows with a lot of character over unwieldy 19-season monsters that run off the rails and lose all respectability, you'll want to keep it on your blogroll and see what other overlooked gems might be brought to your attention.

That's it for me. Back to my secret projects... (shh!)

Click it! The shininess commands you!

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